Diamond Rates in Pakistan: featured image

Diamond Rate in Pakistan

Not only are diamonds a sign of wealth, but they are also a big expense. Both sellers and investors need to know how much diamonds cost in Pakistan. This Article thoroughly examines diamond prices, the things that affect these prices, and other useful information for people interested in diamonds.

Current Diamond Rates in Pakistan

Diamond WeightPrice Range (PKR)
0.50 carat50,000 – 100,000
1.00 carat100,000 – 300,000
1.50 carat300,000 – 500,000
2.00 carat500,000 – 1,000,000

Diamond Rates by City

City0.50 Carat (PKR)1.00 Carat (PKR)1.50 Carat (PKR)2.00 Carat (PKR)
Karachi55,000 – 105,000105,000 – 310,000310,000 – 510,000510,000 – 1,020,000
Lahore53,000 – 102,000102,000 – 305,000305,000 – 505,000505,000 – 1,010,000
Islamabad54,000 – 103,000103,000 – 307,000307,000 – 507,000507,000 – 1,015,000
Faisalabad52,000 – 100,000100,000 – 300,000300,000 – 500,000500,000 – 1,000,000
Rawalpindi53,000 – 101,000101,000 – 302,000302,000 – 502,000502,000 – 1,005,000
Quetta51,000 – 98,00098,000 – 295,000295,000 – 490,000490,000 – 980,000
Multan54,000 – 104,000104,000 – 308,000308,000 – 508,000508,000 – 1,016,000
Hyderabad52,000 – 100,000100,000 – 300,000300,000 – 500,000500,000 – 1,000,000

Factors Affecting Diamond Rates

Carat Weight: Diamonds that are bigger cost more.

Cut Quality: A better cut makes a diamond shine brighter.

Colour Grade: Diamonds that are closer to colourless cost more.

Clarity: Prices go up when there are fewer flaws and features.

Market Demand: When demand is high, prices can go up.

Economic Conditions: Diamond prices are affected by inflation and the value of different currencies.

Supply: When supplies are low, prices can go up.

Modern Uses of Diamonds

Diamonds are famous for being beautiful and valuable in jewellery, but their unique physical qualities also make them useful in many other fields. Here is a short list of what they are used for today:

Application AreaUse CaseDescription
IndustrialCutting and GrindingUsed in tools for cutting, grinding, and drilling due to hardness.
 DrillingDrill bits with diamond tips for stone and concrete that are very hard to cut through.
 PolishingNeeded to polish other gems and hard surfaces.
MedicalScalpels and Surgical InstrumentsSurgical tools with great accuracy.
 Eye SurgeryDiamond knives are used for delicate eye surgeries.
ElectronicsSemiconductorsUsed in high-performance semiconductor devices.
 Heat SinksExcellent thermal conductivity makes them ideal for heat management.
OpticalLensesUsed in high-precision lenses and optical components.
 WindowsSpace telescopes and high-pressure experiments use diamond windows.
Scientific ResearchHigh-Pressure StudiesUsed in anvil cells to create high-pressure situations and Cons of Investing in Diamonds

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High Value: Diamond value lasts.

Portability: Diamond value endures.

Diversification: Adds variety to an investment portfolio.

Durability: Wear-resistant.


High Initial Cost: Expensive to purchase.

Market Volatility: Prices can fluctuate.

Liquidity: Slower to sell than other investments.

Complex Valuation: Value assessment requires competence.


Diamonds are a good purchase in Pakistan because they last a long time and look good. But market rates and what makes them change must be known. If you know what you’re doing and are careful, diamonds can be a good purchase.


1. How often do diamond rates change?

Rates for diamonds can change a lot depending on the market, demand, and the economy.

2. Where can I buy diamonds in Pakistan?

In big towns like Karachi, Lahore, and Islamabad, you can buy diamonds from trustworthy jewellers.

3. Are diamonds a good investment?

Before you buy a diamond, make sure you know what the market is worth and only buy from reliable sources.

4. What should I look for when buying a diamond?

Consider the 4 Cs: Carat, Cut, Color, and Clarity. These factors determine a diamond’s value and quality.

5. Can I resell my diamond easily?

While diamonds retain value, reselling can be challenging and may require appraisal and certification.

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